Returns a future which completes to null if the data could not be obtained, and to a ClipboardData object if it could. The format argument specifies the media type, such as text/plain, of the data to obtain. Private void button1_Click(object sender, System. Retrieves data from the clipboard that matches the given format. TextBox2->Text = "Could not retrieve data off the clipboard." TextBox2->Text = (String^)(iData->GetData( DataFormats::Text )) Here is my code: tempWorkSheet.Range tempWorkSheet.Cells 1, 1, tempWorkSheet.Cells 3, 3.CopyPicture (, ) // returns true var test Clipboard.GetDataObject ().GetDataPresent (DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile) // returns true var test2 Clipboard.ContainsData (DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile) // returns null var test3 Clipboard.GetData (DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile) // returns null var test4 Clipboard.GetDataObject. Yes it is, so display it in a text box. If ( iData->GetDataPresent( DataFormats::Text ) ) Determines whether the data is in a format you can use. IDataObject^ iData = Clipboard::GetDataObject() I am copying cells from an excel document to the clipboard so they can be inserted as an image elsewhere.
Ask Question Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. Target apps, processing paste, rely on meta tags to infer information about the clipboard payload source. Clipboard.GetData() returns null when it should not. This creates an issue for online text editing applications. Retrieves the data from the clipboard. For example, while text/html when set with setData/getData, keeps meta tags in Chrome, async clipboard APIs strip them down. Declares an IDataObject to hold the data returned from the clipboard. When I try same thing on PowerPoint 2013, I didn't get any data from Clipboard. This method works in PowerPoint 2003, 20. Void button2_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ ) Now I am trying to get this shape object from Clipboard by Clipboard.GetData('Office Drawing Shape Format') method. TextBox2->Text = "No text selected in textBox1" If ( !textBox1->SelectedText->Equals( "" ) )Ĭlipboard::SetDataObject( textBox1->SelectedText )
Takes the selected text from a text box and puts it on the clipboard. Void button1_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
The code uses IDataObject and DataFormats to extract the data returned. Follow this answer to receive notifications. To retrieve data from the Clipboard in a particular format, first use the ContainsData method to determine whether the Clipboard contains data in that format before retrieving it with the GetData method. ClipboardData data await Clipboard.getData ('text/plain') Share. The button2_Click method calls GetDataObject to retrieve data from the system Clipboard. You can simply re-use Flutter's existing library code to getData from Clipboard. The button1_Click method calls SetDataObject to take selected text from the text box and place it on the system Clipboard. This code assumes button1, button2, textBox1, and textBox2 have been placed on the form. The following code example uses Clipboard methods to place data on and retrieve it from the system Clipboard. Add the STAThreadAttribute to your application's Main method.
In most (non-IE) browsers, this can be done with something as simple as the following: document.The current thread is not in single-threaded apartment (STA) mode and the MessageLoop property value is true. The short of the answer is that you will need to get the HTML during the system paste event. We have a JSFiddle that shows copying and pasting (tested in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and IE9+). Dim htmlData As String If IsHTMLDataOnClipboard Then htmlData Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.
I actually have done a lot of work on this, and just wrote a nice blog post describing how we did it in detail at Lucidchart (as a disclaimer, I work at Lucidchart). Dim IsHTMLDataOnClipboard As Boolean Clipboard.ContainsData(DataFormats.Html) ' If there is HTML data on the clipboard, retrieve it.